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Research + Foresee + Invest = Successful Gain With TradeX only on FantaFeat

The fantasy gaming platform FantaFeat has unveiled a brand-new feature called TradeX in the trading fantasy app, which allows users to trade using a variety of alternatives and profit from their research and knowledge. Cheers to your investing with the fantasy trading app!

How Do You Trade?

The app will present you with a list of current events while trading; select the one you believe you know and begin making predictions immediately. The only way to bid on your money will be to say "YES" or "NO." Once you engage in trading, Fantafeat will promptly pair you with other players who have traded alternative options in the same event. Any unmatched events will be refunded. The "EXIT" facility is limited to trading and is the only way to maximize your profits and reduce your losses in advance. To begin with the best fantasy trading app right now, use our tutorial and start investing.

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Pick A Trading Event

Choose the event of your interest.

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Enter "Yes" Or "No"

You can buy yes if an event can happen or no for non-happening.

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Decide On The Value And Quantity

For more earning, go for more quantity. Prices closer to rate increases chances of more profits.

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Collect Profits At The End Of The Event

As soon as the result of the event is declared, you can earn ₹10 for each correct position.